25167 Ferguson Rd. • Junction City, OR 97448
Brigadoon’s intimate tasting room offers a spectacular view over our secluded canyon and vineyard. Here, or in our gardens, we’ll introduce you to our wines, our story and our young golden retriever, Bonnie.
Our family-friendly terraced gardens, with picnic tables and relaxed seating, invite you to spend the afternoon in our serene and natural setting. Watch hawks soar overhead, grab a pair of binoculars to view the occasional elk herd grazing across the canyon, or simply close your eyes and enjoy the sound of silence with a glass of wine in your hand.
Picnics are encouraged, or you might choose to enjoy one of our cheeseboards with a charcuterie option. Our cheeses are selected from some of Oregon’s finest artisan cheese makers, from soft to firm. Our charcuterie offerings allow you to enjoy one of the finest salamis in the Pacific Northwest, a lovely country pork paté from a local restaurant, or seasonally, harvested smoked salmon from our local fish market. Whatever your choice, you will find something to enhance your experience with any of our wines.
And when you visit, please ask about our wine club. You’ll be glad you did!
April through November
Wednesday through Sunday
12-5 PM or by appointment
December through March
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
12-5 PM or by appointment
Drive North on Hwy 99, following blue signs to
High Pass Road; turn left
In approx. 5 miles, turn right at Territorial Hwy (flashing light)
Follow signs and turn left at Ferguson Rd
Drive 3.5 miles to 25167 Ferguson Rd
Drive south on 99W to Monroe.
Right on Territorial Hwy.
Follow approximately 5 miles to Ferguson Rd.
Turn right.
Follow signs 3.5 miles to 25167 Ferguson Rd.